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Grooming the Public


Written January 2025

This week, the horrendous (but not remotely new) story about the Pakistani so-called “grooming gangs” hit the headlines as renewed calls were made for there to be a public inquiry. Today we have learned that members of parliament have voted overwhelmingly against such an inquiry taking place.


It would seem pertinent, would it not, to ask the 364 MPs who voted against an inquiry exactly why they voted this way? And then perhaps someone should check their hard drives. The same old tropes are being bandied about, and the unofficial but accepted narrative is that it was an over-sensitivity to the charges of racism that allowed this appalling tragedy to go on for so long, and the ‘woke’ credentials of so many politicians that has caused the vote to fall this way. The same old hand-wringing mainstream journalists are shaking their heads in amazement, while weaving convoluted arguments desperately trying to make sense of the unimaginable horrors perpetrated against these poor girls, and asking how authorities could have turned a blind eye. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that 364 MPs, alongside several high ranking police officers, are simply in terror of being wrongfully labelled racist. It is far more likely that, at least some, are in fear instead of being rightfully labelled as something far, far worse.


This pontification of the media is in itself a type of grooming, but this time, of the public. It aims to divert attention from the very simple, straightforward, and obvious reason that this abuse was ignored: because paedophilia is rampant to the very top. Abusers are getting away with unfettered child abuse, the length and breadth of this country, because so many at the heart of the establishment are themselves guilty of the same offences, and thus have no desire for Pandora’s box to be opened. Work carried out by trailblazing journalists like Sonia Poulton proves this. Sonia’s documentary, Paedophiles in Parliament, is a searing and revelatory piece that exposes the truth, that the establishment is teeming with these vile, monstrous abusers. And has been for years. This is far from a few bad apples. The level of corruption and cover up is immense – it wasn’t a sparkling personality that attracted so many in the world of politics, showbusiness and royalty to befriend ‘Sir’ Jimmy Savile. The uncomfortable truth is that it was his role as procurer of children that elevated him to such high status amongst the glitterati of the celebrity world, and the power of the political one.


So, yes, Pakistani gangs of men have, horrifyingly, been raping and grooming white girls for many years, and yes it has been ignored. But to understand how this has continued apace unrelentingly and without barriers, this particular scandal must be put into context against the horrifying scale of child abuse that has, and still does occur right at the heart of the British establishment.


When the judge in Huw Edwards trial spared the BBC star a prison sentence for his horrendous crimes involving the viewing and sharing of child abuse images, the public were, rightfully, outraged. But many wrongfully assumed that his lenient sentence was on account of his fame. In fact, depraved individuals who view and share child abuse images online are rarely sent to prison– more on this here. While decent human beings would lock these people up and throw away the key, judges at the very top of our judiciary system conversely often show immense sympathy for them and deem them eligible for sentences that involve zero jail time. One must ask: why?


These forgiving attitudes appear to be shared at the very top of all institutions across the land. Indeed, Huw Edwards was one amongst many likeminded individuals at his place of work, the good old BBC. The roll call of those with prominent roles at the BBC who have so far been exposed as paedophiles is long: Rolf Harris, Chris Denning, Jonathan King, Stuart Hall, and of course, Jimmy Savile, to name a few. It is inconceivable that this is a coincidence, and blows out of the water any defence of a few bad apples.


In 2024 the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, was forced to resign when it was revealed that he had knowingly covered up horrendous abuse within the Church of England. He remained disgracefully arrogant right up to the point of his resignation, at first continually lying and insisting he had done nothing wrong. Again, the attitude of these powerful figures shows how appallingly little they care for the victims of these life-destroying crimes, and rather belies a suspiciously sympathetic attitude towards the evil perpetrators.


So already we see that three of the most powerful institutions in the land, the judiciary, the church, and the BBC are complicit in at best affording sympathy to those who abuse children, and at worst, protecting them. And this, I firmly believe, is the real reason why there is no appetite amongst those who would be responsible for dealing with the Pakistani gangs, lest any inquiry should widen in scope and expose the entire, wicked reality. They’re all at it.


So, while the usual mainstream media bigwigs tie themselves in knots toeing the acceptable line, accusing those who failed to act as cowards who were, and are, frightened of being labelled racist, those very accused are breathing a sigh of relief. We must not be fooled.


A society should be judged on how it treats its youngest, and most vulnerable. So many children have suffered at the hands of these monsters, and are then abused further by receiving no justice. The behemoth of the British establishment looms like a dark and predatory beast over our society, protecting its vile members from scrutiny for their crimes. It needs to be destroyed, and soon.



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