Written January 2025

Today I finally got around to watching the fantastic “Ode to the New World Order: The Daz Band Documentary” on YouTube, produced and directed by Stephen James Jefferies, and it has left me feeling quite emotional. As someone who had been sceptical of all things establishment for many years, I really tipped full pelt when the events of 2020 were unleashed upon us. The so-called “pandemic” confirmed all my suspicions of corruption, and deep state Machiavellian manoeuvres, and I was finally, and wonderfully, stripped of the (very) few remaining vestiges of hope that the world was ‘normal’. There was just too much evidence proving it to be an enormous lie.
So, I felt compelled to join the protests in London against lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and tyrannical orders that supposedly prohibited us from hugging our own family members (something, by the way, myself and my family never complied with). I made a living as a photographer in a previous life, and took my camera along with me to these protests, where I witnessed and captured the most diabolical examples of state over-reach, and outright brutality against a group of people who saw through the bullshit, and chose to legally make their feelings known. My outrage at what we experienced and what we endured has never gone away. But watching the Daz Band documentary, which featured footage of two of the protests I attended, ignited renewed appreciation for how proud I am to have been a part of such a movement, and for how many beautiful, wonderful souls I have been connected with along the way.
Recently, Joe Rogan (could there be a more obvious example of “controlled opposition”?) interviewed Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, indeed. It took me some time to recover from the fit of laughter that befell me when I first saw the tagline. Zuckerberg, owner and alleged founder of Facebook, as you will no doubt remember, spent considerable company resources employing “Fact Checkers” during the Covid era, whose sole purpose, it seemed, was to censor any posts contradicting the mainstream narrative. And by mainstream narrative, I mean the massive lie that Covid 19 was a deadly, wildly contagious infectious disease, which could only be defeated by the enslavement of humanity, and the mass rollout of dangerous, life-threatening injections. Oh, and of course, that said life-threatening injections were "safe and effective”. Zuckerberg was, and is being, undoubtably handsomely rewarded by the overlords of the would-be totalitarian one-world-government for his participation in the hoax, and indeed lives a charmed life from the proceeds of these grubby handouts.
But now, suddenly, Zuckerberg wants redemption for his litany of crimes. He is saying “sorry, world, I was just doing my job”. He is trying to elicit sympathy for not resisting the alleged pressure from the “Biden administration” (as if it would have made any difference who was “in charge”). Yeah, sorry, Zuck, no dice here. In what universe does he imagine he will gain the sympathy and trust of a worldwide population who were imprisoned in their homes, jabbed with a poisonous substance, and refused time with dying relatives? All while he was living it up on his private island, burning through the billions of dollars he took as compo for his outrageous sycophancy. It does not matter a jot to us genuine people how much you’ve grown out your curly hair – you’re a dick. And we will never, ever forgive your treachery.
Anyway, you can read more of my many articles on the Covid scam here. This piece is intentioned mostly as a shout out to Darren Nesbit, and all those others who have held the line, and withstood the billions-of-dollars marketing campaigns for totalitarianism that we have all been subjected to for the last five years. I salute you.
I cried watching the Daz Band doc. It so concisely encapsulated those dark times, when families complied with tyrannical rules put in place by people with who they mistakenly bestowed their trust, and who thus lost months, even years of time with their children, grandchildren, parents and grandparents, nieces, nephews, and friends. It reminded me of the children whose lives were thrown into chaos, as they lived in fear of “killing granny”, and who were banned from playing with their friends at school, or in the park. It took me back to the madness of the queues outside supermarkets, as people waited their turn to walk one way around the shop, two meters apart from any other humans. Of the comedy gold of being told that it was ok to be in a pub if you were eating a “substantial meal”, but not otherwise. And of people willingly hiding their faces from other human beings, lest their filthy, covid-infested breath spell death to one another. Such lunacy. Such insanity. And such cruelty.
So, excuse my language, but fuck Mark Zuckerberg. And fuck Joe Rogan. Fuck all those fake, shilling arseholes who have made it their business to become rich from the torture that has been, and continues to be, bestowed upon humanity. These are men (and women) who would do it again in a heartbeat. They already are. Just look at the carousel of misery that Facebook promotes and perpetuates every single day. Climate change bullshittery, costing ordinary people money in levies and taxes they can ill afford, for a cause that is demonstrably not a real “thing”. Trans ideology poisoning children’s minds and robbing women of their rights, while allowing perverted men to live out their fetishes in plain sight. Women allegedly willingly putting themselves out there to be anally shagged by a multitude of men in one day. And the massive, gargantuan, perhaps unparalleled and longest-running lie of all time: “war”.
Wake up, people, before it’s too late. The world we are living in is built upon an enormous web of deceit. It is up to us, the real, non-captured, non-complying humans to keep exposing and revealing the deception. I am privileged to be joining you all along for the ride. Love and light, people. We fucking need it. Let’s spread it far and wide.