Written August 2023
When my daughter was small, she had a fear of the police. I don’t know where it grew from, but she would panic if she saw a uniformed officer standing on the street or in a shopping centre, and she was positively terrified at the airport, where the police carry guns. I used to tell my daughter that she shouldn’t be afraid of the police. I told her that, when she was older, she should be comforted by the presence of police when she was out, and that she should approach them if she felt nervous or troubled by anything or anyone.
Now, I am sad to say, I feel her fear was justified. Having experienced first hand the violence of the police during the peaceful protests against Covid restrictions in London, I was not shocked to view the footage that emerged this week of seven police officers dragging a distressed young autistic girl out of a cupboard, to arrest her for a supposed ‘homophobic’ comment. The comment, by the way, was that one of the officers resembled the girl’s grandmother, who is a lesbian. This apparently devastating observation sent the female officer of the comparison into a kind of rage, prompting her to insist that the sixteen-year-old must be arrested. One would hope that a person in the role of police officer might possess the resilience and fortitude to not have their feelings hurt so easily, and that they might also not be of a hair-trigger disposition. Alas, not so.
The officers had returned the vulnerable girl home to her mother, after she was picked up by them intoxicated in the town centre. It was as she made her way up the stairs inside the house that the girl made the comment to her mother, which triggered the huge over reaction from the officer and her colleague. Unbelievably, the officers went full-on Bodie & Doyle, and called for backup, prompting the arrival of a further five police officers to the house, to facilitate the arrest of the girl. Understandably terrified, the girl took refuge in the understairs cupboard, while her mother repeatedly told the brutish officers that her daughter is severely autistic. The girl even began punching herself in the head, so acute was her distress. One might imagine that the officers would at this point realise their over-zealousness, and retreat. But no. Instead, they continued their brutal mission to arrest the poor girl, for the heinous crime of using the word ‘lesbian’. Eventually the child, who also suffers from scoliosis, was extricated from her cupboard refuge by force, and taken away by the officers to face her punishment.
What is particularly striking about the video is the attitude of the young officer who apparently took such offence. She was visibly enraged, and as is so often the case these days, exhibited such entitlement, to strip away the rights of the girl to speak freely, lest the delicate sensibilities of the officer be upset. A person feeling offended does not make a criminal of the person who has offended them. Now, had the arresting officers not repeatedly used the word ‘homophobic’, I might have wondered if the woman was offended by being compared to the girl’s ‘nana’, who presumably is of a certain vintage. But it was clearly the word ‘lesbian’ that ignited the fire of outrage in the female officer.
The police are about as in touch with the feelings of the public as the BBC. They no longer appear to be adhering to their contract of policing by consent, and have descended into a Stasi-like mob, preying on those who dare to use Oldspeak rather than Newspeak. And, while burglary and knife crimes are left to run rampant, police somehow find the time to make arrests such as that of a mother who ‘deadnamed’ a trans person in a Twitter exchange. The rebranding of violence to include words has led us to this appalling position, where the police now abuse their power in a total over-reach into our personal lives. They are acting as the Thought Police.
They have appointed themselves arbiters of tolerable matters, and acceptable thought and language. While lending extraordinary support to those protestors supporting causes that fit the ‘accepted’ agendas, such as BLM, Just Stop Oil, and anything related to the trans movement, they brutalised protestors for causes deemed ‘unacceptable’, such as anti-lockdown, and women’s rights. During 2020 and 2021, I attended several gatherings in London, where we peacefully and respectfully protested the Covid measures, including lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates. These events were heavily and aggressively policed, and they even employed rabble-rousers to rile up the riot officers, who were then released upon the peaceful crowd with their batons and their rage. It was terrifying, and completely unjustified. I witnessed a woman being hit with a baton and dragged to the ground, an elderly man surrounded by policemen, threatened with arrest for carrying a placard, amongst many further acts of intimidation and aggression, perpetrated by our great British Bobbies.
Conversely, while the police have been exacting some good old-fashioned brutality on those who express unacceptable views or use inappropriate words such as lesbian, they have also shown themselves to be lily livered followers of all things acceptable (for this, read all things trans), attending Pride marches and giving their squad cars rainbow-themed makeovers. Since policing is paid for from the public purse, taxpayers really should be questioning the value for money of this entire force of social justice warriors, who seem to be doing a fine job of inserting themselves into ‘causes’, and a lousy one of policing. While consistently blaming their failings on ‘lack of resources’, UK police forces managed to rack up an astonishing £66,000 bill in just three years on ‘rainbow’ merchandise, to show just how much they care about trans issues. House been burglarised? Don’t worry, have a rainbow selfie frame and pen, that’ll make you feel better.
And so, for the time being, should my daughter find herself in need of personal protection, I shall be recommending the services of a nightclub bouncer, since the local Bobbie will likely be too busy, either dressing up in a tutu and painting his nails while escorting bands of children into drag queen story time at the local library, or beating up vile criminals who dare to utter the word ‘lesbian’.
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