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The Agony and the Ecstasy: Saints and Sinners of the Transgender Movement

Written August 2024

A few short years ago, the idea that a teenage girl would be celebrated and congratulated for having her healthy breasts removed would have seemed absurd. Not so in 2024. Thousands of teenagers across the Western world are filming themselves on social media, proudly displaying their ‘top surgery’ scars like saints presenting stigmata, testament to their stunning bravery, and affirmation of their innate specialness. Of course, the scars denote nothing of the kind. In truth, they bear witness to the delusions of a generation of misguided, narcissistic youths, who are in a bizarre race-to-the bottom game of victimhood, and who are turning to this sickening self-mutilation in an attempt to stand out from the crowd and feel special. The videos of these victims of the trans cult abound on TikTok, revealing their chests and scars with all the dramatics of Jesus revealing his risen self to the awed disciples. They weep tears of apparent joy, as those surrounding them cheer and praise them.


Social media has undeniably facilitated much of this madness, in no small part assisted by the hopelessly ideologically captured institutions who are warping these young people’s minds – universities, media companies, and so-called healthcare bodies. The danger of the position we are currently in cannot be emphasised enough. Truth has been cast aside, to make way for bizarre, ill-defined notions of gendered souls, of wrong bodies, of non-binary people, and of glitter families. The normalisation of all these dangerous ideas is in full swing, and they are pushing such ideas at children at the earliest possible opportunities. From teaching materials in schools, to children’s television favourites like Paw Patrol featuring a non-binary character, and Costa Coffee’s use of a cartoon person with ‘top surgery’ scars in their advertising and store decor. Be under no illusions, the trans army are on a mission to normalise their nonsensical, anti-biology message, and make it mainstream.   


The fundamental psychology behind the teenage cohort within the trans movement is as old as the hills. As children begin to go through the early stages of puberty, a maelstrom of emotional turmoil takes up residence in their minds and bodies. A juxtaposing dilemma reigns over them; on the one hand they still feel like a child who needs mum and dad, and on the other, they are hurtling towards independence, and experimenting with being responsible for themselves, with varying degrees of readiness and success. The independent-seeking side believes that no previous human has ever felt the way they do right now, and therefore their parents cannot possibly understand them. In days of old, this meant dressing in a way that horrified the parents, and spending countless hours moping in bedrooms, listening to suitably gloomy music, with lyrics that felt like they were written just for them. Think Joy Division, Morrissey, The Cure – hmm, showing my age here – perhaps think My Chemical Romance if you’re hipper than me.


Unfortunately, this current generation of youngsters has had the extreme misfortune to be living through a time when brilliant musicians have been usurped by a hairy man in his 40s called Jeffrey, who sticks on a dress and some sparkly eyeshadow, and pronounces himself their ‘internet mum’ as he grooms them. He lures them from their parents, with far more sinister intentions than any emo songwriter ever possessed. With none of the talent or grace of songwriters like Ian Curtis and Robert Smith, this predatory man, and the glut of likeminded TikTok famous ‘influencers’ of his ilk, spout absolute, utter, disgraceful lies to children, about the nature of the human condition, and in doing so, are systematically breaking the trust that is inherent between children and their mothers and fathers.


So, if the kids feel they are the saints, with stigmata and all, there are some obvious sinners in this scenario. Jeffrey, for one. But Jeff is in the company of a swathe of celebrities who have chosen madness over sanity, and support the medicalisation of these poor children. David Tennant, with his endless wardrobe of slogan-emblazoned T-shirts and his “little whinging fucker” comments; Drew Barrymore, literally getting on her knees to the grifter Dylan Mulvaney and praising him like a God; Jamie Lee Curtis who spouts sweary insults at every opportunity to those she deems ‘transphobes’; Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliff with their pathetic rants against the woman who made their careers; tragic Ellen, now going by Elliot, Page, whose constant stream of interviews insisting she is now a happy trans man, but looking anything but happy; and demonic Sam Smith, who appears to be playing out some kind of suspiciously paedophilic fantasy in plain sight. All of them, sinners of the very worst kind, for they are rounding the kids up and bringing them along for the ride. There are many more, of course, but to name them all would fill an entire volume.


Mention should also be made of the surgeons who are making packets of cash from this entire growing industry, sinners by the nature of their lucrative work. Surgeons like Sidhbh Gallagher, who promotes her business via TikTok, direct marketing, if you will, to her target demographic, vulnerable teens. You can read more on this monster, and others, here.  


I have written many times about the fact that the trans movement is a movement of two halves, but it bears repetition. In one corner are the adult fetishists, the autogynephilic men who desperately need the world to believe in the gender woo woo. And in the other, the hapless and vulnerable youngsters who have fallen prey to the ideology these men are perpetuating, their teenage self-centredness taken full advantage of. And overseeing the entire mess are the hideous ‘allies’, celebrity types as discussed above, but also, and perhaps worse, the parents who are affirming their kids’ delusions instead of protecting them from them. I hope that this movement is in its death throes, and I hope that all those who have cheered on the lopping off of teenage girls’ healthy breasts, and the healthy penises and testicles of confused teenage boys, are rounded up and punished for the egregious position they have taken, and for the harm they have championed.


When the movement does eventually die, and I have to believe it will, what will become of those poor children who believed the utter bullshit and made the ultimate sacrifice, their healthy body parts, to the cult? What salvation will there be for them? “So this is permanence”, wrote Ian Curtis. Sadly, for these children, that is exactly what their mutilated bodies will represent. A tragic, consuming permanence. These children are the collateral damage for a greedy movement that exists to provide cover for perverts, virtue signalling for needy parents, and financial gain for an already bloated medical and pharmaceutical industry. We can only hope that someday, somehow, they may find some peace.

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